i thought i would share an experience i had last year, it was about 9 in the morning, i heard a lot of rustling down the hill below me, i thought it was probaly a flock of turkeys, they feed up that way sometimes. then i noticed it was two hunters, they were dragging a nice buck up the hill, "by his back legs" i kind of starled them when i said, hey guys what are you doing? they appoligized. i said i don't want to sound bossy, but if you will drag him by the antlers he would be easier to drag. so they did. i thought to myself, they must be some of those city slickers from cincinnati. they had already messed up my hunting so i went to my truck for an early lunch. about an hour later the two guys came in slinging gravel, when they jumped out i could tell they were really mad, i said wait guys what the hecks wrong? they said you told us to drag that deer by the antlers and we went a half mile in the wrong direction. if you have already heard this don't beat me up.