I don't think you could have read anything disrespectful in my responses but... As "thrills" pointed out above, your last sentence comparing all who shoot longbows and recurves with "new age" materials to compound shooters (albeit w/o sights), is what struck the flint.
I'm amazed there are several on this site that never laid the recurve or longbow down for any appreciable time since the compound came on strong in the mid-70's.
A lot of folks here are more like me. We started with traditional in the 1960's, switched to the compound in the 70's and have just recently returned to traditional. We know very well how much different compounds and recurves/longbows are to tune, shoot, etc. We know how much more practice and physical exertion (with some risk to our older joints)is required to shoot the traditional gear. I don't like my effort, and yes, in terms of effective range, my sacrifice, minimalized by suggesting there is no differnce.
I've just come in from hunting this morning (3rd Sat. of our season). I saw nothing from the stand (3 deer were near the stand I killed a deer from last Saturday though!). However, at this point in my bowhunting life I would rather have a day with no deer and my recurve than tag another with my compound.