If you have other hard mast and soft mast here are some to look for.
Persimmons are like candy to all creatures big and small and draw deer like a magnet.
Beechnuts are also high on the preferred food list.
Geales has already mentioned Honey Locust pods, I saw a nice 10pt. munching one of those down one time and couldn't believe my eyes, I had no idea they would eat those.
Maple leaves get devoured very quickly as soon as they hit the forest floor. When they turn colors they have a sweetness that deer love, also walnut leaves are edible and sweet when they turn yellow.
Of course apples, pears, and honey suckle if there's any left.
Just look for the freshest droppings in the areas you have found food and that's where you need to be. Stay mobile and move with the food, don't just assume that a certain spot is evening or morning until you spend some time there. It could be an all day spot if the sign and food are there.
Look for squirrels and turkey, they eat the same food as deer except for hickory nuts and walnuts and they are so hard that mainly squirrels just eat those, but I have heard that deer will occasionally eat a hickory nut, why is beyond me?
Nothing can replace lots of time in the woods, and the animals will tell you what they want and what they like.
Good hunting this season!