Originally posted by Mudd:
At one time or another I've missed just about one of everything that I've shot at...lol
God bless,Mudd
That's what I was thinking about when I read the topic title
I miss hunting ducks and squirrel with my dad. I miss deer camp with my father-in-law and uncle (ArkyBob's dad).

If all stays in proper order, someday, someone will miss hunting with me. I love making memories while hunting with ArkyBob's son Brad and especially enjoyed taking my daughter on her first successful duck hunt last year.

I look forward to being able to share hunts with my grandsons (or and/or granddaughters) some day. I hope to make loving memories with them and that they, in turn, will miss hunting with me, and then make memories of their own with their kids, etc. Such is the circle of life.