Daybreak had us in an area to check for turkeys. This was the first flock we saw. Mostly gobblers, and some big one's too, and a couple hens...

The second flock on the other side of the orchard was a small group. One hen with he poults. Then this flock not too far away, several hens with thier poults.

Things look good for the opener on Friday!!
Then it was time to hit the woods for squirrels, and hopefully my first kill with "Stinker". This is a spot that when the acorns are plentiful like this year, it tore up with buck sign...

Turkeys sure like acorns as well...


The squirrels weren't cooperating, but there were plenty of these little "tattle-tails of the woods" around. I'd already missed a couple, but when this little guy popped up on this very rock about 8yds. in front of me....Stinker launched it's first deadly arrow...



You'd think with a blunt tipped arrow, it would penetrate some and carry the critter with it. But this arrow drove right thru it's chest and out the other side as it knocked it off the rock.
We carried on and got close a couple times, but just couldn't get a shot at a squirrel on the ground.