I had a "swamp donkey" try to take me out just before dark last night.
I heard a deer approach from behind. I was in my climber, about fifteen feet up and well hidden. A beaten path in the snow fifteen yards in front of me. It was moving towards the trail.
The approach was steady with only a couple stops along the way, UNTIL it was about ten yards directly behind me. The footfalls had gotten me all worked up, and I had to slowly lower my bow until the limb tip was on my boot. I still had no idea if it was a buck or doe, but it was a heavy deer and alone so far. I was thinking buck.
Late season deer don`t put up with mistakes, and the longer they are in range, the lower the odds.
The adrenaline flood gates were full open. Whitetail turned statue.
I SLOWLY turned my head to try and see the "rack"...a HUGE doe. Just like NASCAR, my RPM`s are just about redline. It`s quiet with a gentle snow. MANY, MANY minutes ticked by. An excellent probability that we had BOTH been in this same situation before.
Dissappointed I did not die from a heart attack, she SUDDENLY snorted, bringing an involuntary and massive flinch from me that sent my arrow from my undrawn bow to the ground and her to the north west. She stopped once and looked back, dissappointed again that I did not fall from the tree.
I was actually relieved it was over, because I ain`t that tough.