Went out to check my cameras yesterday. Laura couldn't hunt in the morning so I decided to wait until after 9 AM to check on things since the morning pics on the cameras seemed to stop around 8:30 or so. My first stop was one of my Double bull blinds. As I approached an eight pointer scurried away...not really spooked just sneaking out. Here he is just before I showed up.

When I got home I checked the camera cards and this doe, which is on my hit list (esp. for this thread) had already gone by.

At my other double bull these gals showed up. They are all on the hit list as they do not have fawns but the one closest to the blind in the one I would prefer to take just for you, Bob.

None of them showed up last night. I am not a morning person but this pattern has been pretty consistent, esp, at the blind in the last pic. I guess later this week I'll get up at 4 AM and try to sneak into one of the blinds.