Tuesday rolled around, and instead of having it off, I was in the office finishing up some work

Tuesday evening I was finally setting up camp. My wife and I decided to drive around a little that evening since it was too late to formulate a hunt.....I thought.
We rounded the corner and to glass a water hole off the hill, and wouldn't you know it a nice bull was having some fun at the waters edge. I quickly grabbed my bow and down the hill I went!
The bull must have moved on by the time I got there and I never could catch up with him.
The next day called for rain, which I was hoping was a good thing to kick the elk into action! My buddy arrived at camp and we headed out that morning to a spot I had encountered elk earlier in the season. Well I believe the muzzleloaders had got there first and the elk were nowhere to be found. That evening we headed off the hill where I had seen the bull at the water hole and again killed nothing but time. It started to pour rain, and we headed back to camp. The next morning we headed off another drainage and heard elk immediately. The chase was on. As we closed the distance I began to realize my fears....Although they sounded close, they were across the private land boundry and our chase ended soon after it began.
We were a little discouraged to say the least, but had one more spot in mind that I hoped would pan out. It was a spot I had only scouted once, was a difficult trek to get access, different country than I am used to hunting for elk in archery season, but we loaded up and moved to another part of the unit.
That evening we drove the long haul up the mountain as far as we could go, and followed 4 wheeler tracks the whole way :mad:
and hiked in several miles, and followed foot tracks the whole way :mad:
My spirits were fading more and more. About 4 o'clock that evening, I sent out a few cow calls and immediatly got an answer less than 100 yds away! I called a few more times and he was coming our way. We quickly looked for a good setup, and just as quick the wind shifted and away he went without us even catching a glimpse of him.....
After he started the evening off with a bugle that prompted the other bulls in the area and before too long the entire hillside lit up!! We were surrounded by bugleing bulls, some were more like screaming and our only problem was picking which one to go after!