Great pics Ken. Thanks for the great time. I had a blast. Looking forward to doing it again. It was great meeting everyone. Izzy, Tim, Ken, Chris, Charlie, Ron. I would share camp with these great guys any day.
Ron, Im sorry, but the Widow sold. Had I known you would have been interested, I would have held off. Im sure there will be more. I hear Ken has a
As for the night in the woods, It was great. Everyone thinks Im nuts, wife included, but that kind of solitude and the music of the woods allows me to decompress like nothing else. After returning from my 3rd tour in Iraq, I learned real fast that there is no better medicine. I try getting out as often as possible.
The Hammock it amazing. I dont go anywhere without it. I carry it in my truck, on my bike, in my backpack etc. You never know when the need my arise. My wife says it makes for a esy meal for the bears. Like a human burrito. lol. She may be right, but if that's the way I was meant to go, then so be it. A least I'll be left in the woods one more time as a pile of bear scat. :eek:
The only thing that was slightly unnerving for me, was right at sun down, I unmistakeably heard some distant music. Now I'm in the middle of nowhere, and I know there is NO way it could be from the nearest town, but damn if I didn't hear it. I couldn't make out what it was, but it was definitely some rhythmical sound. I eased my concern by telling myself it was spirits of great hunters past or of a Pow Wow greeting me into woods.
Oh, and then there was the porcupine that wanted to share the camp fire at 5am. Cool looking little animal. Almost comical when I startled him, and he turned and went into a aggressive posture.
Looking forward to doing it again.