after building my long bow last winter and shooting all summer i couldn't wait to hit the woods when bow season opened up here in western md but work and weather had differant stories for me but after 2 weeks and the threat of rain i got into the stand for the second time .
the first showed me no deer just chipmunks and squirrels but this time was differant right at dusk they came like theifs in the night i let the first one pass and it happened just like a dream on the second one the rise of my bow hand the draw and the release seemed all as one and a good shot placement not right where i anted it but close enough she only run 30 yards .
i had to tell someone and the wife just didn't seem as excited as i was . man o man is this stuff addictive i can't wait till i get back in them woods . hunting with a compound has never been this fun. my camera would snap any pics or i would have had them on here .
thanks for reading . and i'm hooked for life im sure . thanks for the great site full of information ,