Slight left wiggle to GT 35/55's. Bow is 50# at 28", Trad Tech Pinnacle 2. I added 50 grains to insert but think this has me a little underspined.
Stinger BH's hit a tad right, like 2" at 18 yards or so, if I don't do everything perfect.
Arrow setup doesn't seem forgiving.
Do I back the bow down to 46# and run it that way, or build up some 55/75's?
I know I can buld up some of those for 55# bows, done it, worked great.
This 50# thing has me right between the two sizes. I could use nock adapters and stiffen the 35/55's but then my FOC would drop.
I think it better to go the 55/75 route and if need be add more weight up front, really jacking the FOC up there (normal with 50gr added would be 17%- so I'd have to add maybe another 50 grains).
Note: the bow is closer to centershot now due to removing two layers of riser lam (thinned, deepened and lifted grip throat too, and took off other offending stuff as well).
No arm slap (previous thread), shot 50-60 arrows today, with long sleeve T on, no hits on that either (no arm guard). Bow is braced at 8 3/4". No porpoise with FP or BH.
Just have a slight left wiggle up close, causing BH's to impact right of FPs with a good but not perfect release.
Trying to clean up flight a bit,make it forgiving. Quiver is on bow now, didn't seem to do anything bad, is a GN strap on and is pretty light. Prefer heavier Delta style, but will run this as is for now. Bow has some thump to it but not really shocky, tolerable, but no Blackwidow.