First of all these 3 blade 125gr. Snuffers shoot awesome from my Bear Grizzly recurve, so I really want to shoot these!
I've searched the broadhead sharpening threads and tried all the info I found on sharpening these Snuffers and while I can get them fairly sharp, they just don't seem to be scary sharp if you know what I mean.
Is it me, or the file I'm using? If you Magnus Snuffer shooters wouldn't mind sharing your experiences and techniques, tips, tricks, ect.
It would be much appreciated.
The best thing that has worked for me was to lay the new heads on the long flat part of my belt sander and touch all 3 sides evenly about 3 times around, not putting much pressure on them, but more just keeping them nice and flat to get the correct angle started. Then I work with a file about 10 strokes on each side until it starts to get sharp. Then I lightly buff on my buffing wheel to "Strop" the edge just a bit, about 3 swipes on each blade, then I rotate and do the other side.
If any of this sound wrong please let me know, but I'm leaning more toward the style of the file that I'm using.
What file do you all use for this task???