Originally posted by Guru: Just looking at it up top, two things I noticed about it from the pix flashing...The bar across the front of the seat loox like it will cut off a persons circulation. Or force you to sit with your legs pretty far apart.The back of the seat looks like it sits too far back.Just what I've observed from the pix....
Originally posted by RC: I hear you on the Ghillie suit.I have been thinking about going "ground only" for a couple of years now. Would`nt hurt me on pork but would be challanging on these Southern deer but I`m up for it. What really sparked my near commitment was yesterday when I was almost a mile in the swamp with a climber on my back and went by a place I killed a deer from the ground 4-5 years ago.I stopped and took the stand off and sat on a log...sweat running dowm my face and had a great recall of the deer killing. Then looked at the climber and all the other junk I had with me and thought.. your an idiot...RC
It's a high quality seat, if you want to save money, carry a 5 gallon bucket.