The honey hole is still playing out. Were seeing some nice bucks and plenty of does now. Two nights ago Greywolf was back in her blind with renewed fire. I was sitting in a stand 400 yards across the field from her. Sitting there i hear something running towards me i turn an look and a nice buck is heading for me doing close to 50 miles per hour. As he passes me by i see a bright purple and yellow feather sticking out the side of him. Low behind the left leg in what i thought was the heart area. Than it dawned on me, she just shot her first deer. I watched that buck hammer down never slowing down for over 600 yards heading for the highway. Than my phone rings, she is saying something but i can't understand her as she is pumped. I get down and look and there is no blood. Long story short 1 hour of tracking/or looking that night and no blood, hair, fluid of any kind. So we come home and the next morning i go out and we spend another four hours looking. Nothing. So i'm thinking it was a very low hit and nothing but brisket. Went out this morning and the wool was definitely needed. Had a young 10 point come within fifty yards and than trot away. We decided to give the area a breather and i moved her blind and my portable stand to the other side of the field. Tonight she watched a small doe play with turkeys and it was uneventful until we walked out in the dark. The field around the corner down in the honey hole was full of deer. So after the sit in the morning, guess where she wants me to move her blind back too? Katie, Greywolf says if you get bored up there come on down here for a weekend/winter camping out on the farm and you girls will show the men how it's done. Yes, Doug she is having the time of her life, but of course hanging in the field with me is never boring.