He is not a big bull but he will eat great. I got this spike last Sunday morning. We left before light so we could make the couple mile hike over the ridge and be set up at first light.

After some cow calls we got a bull to bugle. The wind was blowing hard and it made it difficult for me to hear what direction it was coming from.

I was on my knees ready but looking the opposite direction I should have been looking. I heard a thump so I looked to my right and he was standing there at about 15 yards. He started walking to my left and once he was broadside at about 12 yards I let out a cow call to stop him but he just kept walking. I led him a bit and just as I let the string go he stopped. My arrow hit far forward and punched through both shoulders. Right away my hunting buddy and me started to cow call. He ran out to 30 yards and stopped so I decided to put another arrow in him. The second shot was perfect hitting him mid chest. He was quartering away and below me so the arrow came out right behind his off shoulder. With four holes in him he bolted about 50 yards and nose dived dieing in a couple seconds. This is where he went down.

My 52" Cascade Nighthawk Mag which makes it easy to shoot in tight areas off my knees. My bow is 70# @28" and I was shooting cedar arrows tipped with 135 grain Eclipse head

We pulled him out to get a better look.