Lotta really good trad stuff out there, and every once in awhile I'm mighty extra impressed with a product or service enuf to hafta crow about it.
So this is my long overdue kudos to G.Fred and Teresa Asbel for offering a fine selection of hunting knives at very, very reasonable prices.
I took their GFA Frontier Skinner with me during this past June's hog hunt and I'm happy to say that I got a chance to put that bad boy to some good use.
This knife's USA made high carbon steel 4" blade is beautifully made, quite strong and durable, takes and holds a *sharp*, and Damascus antique etched for olde tyme good looks. The brass pinned curly maple handle compliments the blade for both looks and ergonomics. Got me the matching, handsome made leather sheath for it, too.

The curved blade and well designed handle made it an easy chore to skin out my hog. I highly recommend checking out the lineup of GFA knives.