No, he isn't huge or nothing but I'm glad to get him!
I decided to go huntin' yesterday after I had a long nap since getting off from work. Got into my stand and settled in at 6:15 PM. At 6:35 PM I heard what I thought was a squirrel. But when I looked in the direction I had heard the noise, I was surprised to see not one, not two, but three bucks in the creek 15 yards behind my tree! Two were 4 pointers and one was a six pointer(eastern count). Well, they all three turned and exited the creek on the other side on the same trail that they entered it on. No shots were offered.
Then, at 7:20 PM I looked back behind me and saw two of the bucks coming back down the trail and into the creek again. The one in front was the six pointer. He stopped and took a long drink of water before walking out of the creek and up the bank right toward my tree. He passed directly under my tree and continued walking and when he got about six or seven yards out I made the "bleat" sound with my voice and stopped him as I drew my bow. When I hit anchor and held for a couple of seconds, I released what I felt was a perfect shot. I would not be disappointed. My arrow found it's mark exactly where I intended it to and buried it to the fletching.
I knew it was a good hit as I watched the buck bolt straight ahead and went through a barbed wire fence 20 yards away and continued running for another 20 yards and then he stopped. As I watched him standing there, I recall hoping to see a deer fall, within sight, after having one of my arrows sent though it, something I had yet to witness before after arrowing a whitetail. And then......he staggered. And he swayed to the right. He tried to catch himself but it was in vain. And then.......crash! He was down! I could still see the bright pink feathers of the arrow sticking above the brush a second or two before he expired for good. Finally, after 13 years since I last killed a buck with a trad bow, I just watched one go down within sight, from my arrow.(Killed a doe last year with a Beeler LB. Short blood trail but didn't get to see her go down, and, well, she wasn't a buck! Not that there's anything wrong with killing a doe, but there's just something about antlers. :rolleyes:
!["" "[dntthnk]"]("graemlins/dntthnk.gif")
) Awesome!
I went home and got my wife and camera and she took these pics:

The arrow had penetrated to the fletching, but worked it's way back out slightly, I guess after he fell.

The broadhead is coming out of the chest here. It was poking much farther out than it is here.

My first heart shot with a bow of any kind!
Using a Custom Classic Predator recurve. 48# at my draw length of 26.75". 555 grain Beman MFX 500 Classic arrow with a Magnus vented two-blade head. More bow specs in my signature.