Took a couple vacation days so I could do some bow hunting and finally gotto go out today. The weather here gas been kind of up and down here latley. When it's been nice and cool it's been raining and when the rain stops it gets about 80 degrees, but today looked like the weather was supposed to be pretty good so I planned in advance to go out today.
I had decided that since I haven't had much time to scout this year that I was going to do some ground pounding to try to make up for it a bit.
just before daylight I found a spot on the side of a hill where I could set for a while. When there was begining to be enough light to see I realised that I was in the middle of some oak trees, which is a good thing right now.

About fifteen minutes after sunrise I hear a squirell start to bark but I can't see him or what he is barking at. About five minutes after that I hear a deer snorting it's head off. Now hwere this deer is at I can't see it and it can't see me and the wind is blowing at an angle that would make it impossible for it to have winded me. After the deer leaves the area I hear an owl begin to hoot. Now I had heard this same owl hoot on the other side of me when I had just gotten to the woods and it didn't sound quite right at that time, but I'm positive that I've never heard an owl hoot after daylight.

That was one of the coolest experiences I've had while hunting, I would have liked to have taken the buck but the experience of having one that close made it a great day and worth every second of the trip.