I see this and hear it all the time and have even had some of these kind of somewhat heated debates with fellow hunters myself. But I have arrived at the realization after some maturing on my own behalf that in today's world we should not be criticizing each other for how we chose to hunt. The simple fact that we DO Hunt means that we are on the same side and should ban together like the brothers that we are. The only thing that separates us is the methods with which we chose to pursue our passions.
There are far too many groups out there who's only purpose is to divide us and pit us against ourselves and destroy the sport that we love so dearly, the last thing we should do is fight amongst ourselves.
I also do understand how these confrontations get started and it's usually by someone with an ego that feels the need to tell others how good he is and how right he is.....when in all actuality he is nothing more than a child with some toys.
I lost my ego a long time ago because it's just extra baggage that I don't care to lug around with me.
While I don't particularly agree with every method of hunting that's practiced nowadays, I will stand behind you and your right to engage in it as long as it is legal and all laws are followed. That is what will keep our hunting, fishing, trapping, and shooting sports alive and well, but only if we stick together and not allow ourselves to be torn apart by such petty differences. Bottom line is that we can chose to engage in such confrontations, but there is always the option to simply walk the other direction or handle them privately away from audiences who may not understand.
We either chose to hang together, or apart we will surely hang.
Just my humble opinion.