Our turkey season opened this passed weekend and so far they have my number.
But I never pass up the opportunity to try a sneak on a woodchuck when given the chance.
Two sneaks, two chucks...
First one was killed on Saturday, at about 10yds. as he filled up on clover...
Kinda graphic... but this what happens on a hard quartering away chuck when shooting 160 Snuffers...
This one was killed on Sunday. I first spotted him at about 100yds. He was standing up with an apple between his front legs. holding it like he had hands. I only had one way to to attempt a stalk. About half way to him I could tell he smelled me and he slowly made his way, with his apple, to the safety on the brush. Likely where his holes were.
I continued to sneak just in case he was still there in the brush and hadn't gone into one of his holes.
As I closed to about 8yds. I could see he had indeed hesitated and was sitting on his mound in front of a hole. He was very well hidden. If I hadn't seen him before, I'd have walked right by him.
I got on one knee and found a tiny hole to shoot through. The 160 Snuffer found its mark behind his front leg.
Hope to have a turkey pic or two soon