...and i decided to chronicle my journey with it.
Its a vintage Wing Slim Line Corsair. it's only a 20# bow so its really just a beginners bow... but i love it.
I took it to the range yesterday 10/8/10, completely as is. it took a quick visit to the pro shop in the morning to make sure it was safe to shoot (not that i really had any doubts but better to be safe then sorry0, and then it was off to the range. we got there really late so the pics are really grainy. the pics were taken with my iphone...no flash.
I dont have a set of arrows, all the arrows i used were generously given to me by some of the super nice folks here on TG! thanks guys! you guys are the best and i really appreciate it. I shot it off the shelf, at what i believe is 10 or possibly 15 yards (but im leaning more towards 10) and this is a few of the shots
I should also note that all the arrows are different lengths, with different feathers, and probably different weights. like i said, they were donated to me. i really cant afford arrows at the moment. (since its my birthday i might get some cash and invest in some arrows.)
Also i know nothing about how to aim a traditional bow. what little i know i read from the book "How to shoot a stickbow." which is extremely informative, but i find little time to read as there are other things id rather be doing. hahaha! like shooting!
so i figured id post pics of my hopeful progress and see how things go. i flung two arrows at the 20 yard range... one flew super low, the other super high. but i didnt loose any. unfortunatly i let a friend try and she lost two arrows. so im down to four. oh well. I also have a judo point that i want to try in the yard... but first homework!