Originally posted by Don Stokes:
Wolfkiss, it's the high profile rather than the length that causes the noise. Try trimming the height to quieten them down.
SEMO, were your natural turkey feathers from a mature bird, or a jake? I found jake feathers to be noisy.
That I believe was exactly the problem. My neighbor gave me the wing feathers off his bird he got a few weeks ago and it was a young turkey. I don't know if it was a hen or a jake, but the feathers were small and thinner than a mature gobbler or a hen and mine not only hissed, but almost like a high pitched scream. I stripped them the other night and re-fletched one with 4.5" parabolic white fethers, the arrow is completely silent now. Lesson learned, don't fletch with young bird feathers.
My broadheads still have a little hiss, but not real bad and there's not much I can do about that except go to a 2 blade solid and I don't really want to go that route. I'll stick with my 3 blade heads cause I've got 12 of them and I'm not going to switch right in the middle of bow season, besides the BH's shoot great so I would like to stick with them. Hopefully the deer I shoot at won't duck my arrow? I tend to shoot a bit low anyway so if it does try to duck, then maybe it will drop right into it?
Thanks for the feedback.