Well my dream hunt is over....i just got back from a 10 day moose hunt in northwestern ontario. Saw a total of 9 moose (2 bulls in the 40" - 50" range and 7 calfs/cows). Had 2 oppurtunities on the two bulls. First one was at 25 yards quartering to me with some light brush in the way..did not like the quartering shot and passed on the 40" bull. Shot a calf on the 3rd day on Brink's Lake from canoe...moving canoe....first time i ever shot from a moving canoe. Shot went in just passed last rib and came out on opposite side right in front of the front shoulder. Arrow made a complete pass through on 500+ lb calf and stuck into spruce tree. It took us about 10 hours to skin and pack the calf out of the woods. Canadian bush as they call it is some rough terrian. I must have fell 100 times carrying the deboned meat of the calf out. Check out the photo...we skinned the calf and used the sking to carry the meat out. I was shooting my Acadian Tree stick (60" - 50 lbs at 29 1/2") with 3555 Goldtip arrows and Grizzly heads. The arrow was still shaving sharp after complete pass throught and inch into spruce tree!
Last day of the hunt we were hunting from the Dog River and spotted a nice bull on the side of a small pond. I made a stalk and got within 45 yards...the bull was feeding in about 5 foot of water..when he would put his head underwater i would sprint up 10 yds at a time and stop. Unfortunately i did not notice the cow and calf that came out of the woods in front of me...she came out at about 20 yards and spotted me and took off across the pond dragging my 50" bull and her calf with her. 45 yards was just to far to shoot at the bull...did not want to wound such a beautiful animal.
Please enjoy some of the pics of my hunt.
Me by Brinks lake in the morning.
My dad and i on a the dog river.
The leaves changing colors - they were beautiful
Picture of Dog Lake at sun up.
And some pics of the calf i got.
How we packed out the deboned calf!
*********Please re-size your pix bud*********