Made my first trip of the year out to my swampy stateland spot last night. Heard him coming through the creek and watched him spar with a couple of trees then paw at the ground before he crossed over to my side. From 60 yards I could see he was a shooter buck for me, so I put the binocs down began to ready for a shot. On he came right toward my tree, looking to pass on the right side. He paused then went to my left, closed the gap to a whopping 2 yards when I took the shot. Right through the left shoulder blade and into the boiler. Watched him run a circle, crossing the creek again and then dissapeared in the thick tag alders. Waited 1/2 hour, climbed down and checked last spot I had visual on him. Found some blood, but not enough- didn't pass through the bottom. I searched for 1/2 hour, and decided I would have to get some help and come back this morning. Finding him last night wouldn't have happened. We did find more blood, but my brother kept hearing a group of crows making a racket 60-70 yards away and went to investigate. He found my buck, the coyotes had devoured him, and the crows were working on the remains. We figured he went about 150 yards. Not the ending I wanted- but mother nature fed her offspring last night. Shot with my Pittsley Predator Classic- my first buck with the bow!