With my Summit Titan, I use both a 64" Firefly "FX" longbow and a 64" Wes Wallace "Mentor" recurve with no concerns. For me, I think the bar gives me a bit of "piece of mind" (as far as safety goes).
Now, I'm 6'4", and when preparing for the shot, I press my quad into the bar and lean at the waist. (Yes, the chinch strap is secured to the top piece of the stand, and - like most - I use a saftey harness... just in case.) Of course, my bow arm is pretty far outside/away from the top rail, and when I pull the string back... it comes somewhat close to the rail, but not touching. (I suggest you practice that - until you feel comfortable - BEFORE actually letting an arrow loose.)
Last note concerning the distance of the shot: I prefer to shoot the bow vertical (mainly) and for me that starts at about 11 yards plus, but if it's a close shot... ya gotta cant the bow.
This set up works for me.
Best wishes!