Wow, I feel alone here. I also had to pee severely once without a bottle. I was so scent concious I was almost miserable back then. I let it go with tears in my eyes and several minutes later, one of the biggest bucks I've ever seen snuck his way in UPWIND until he was plus or minus ten yards. Too much brush to shoot....just waiting for him to step out, but I was terrified about my pee. He made one more step, caught wind of what I have always assumed was my fairly warm pee and acted like someone threw a hand grenade at him. LOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGG gone!
I always thought it was of course the urine and have been torturing myself for years.
Maybe not... from this post???? The wind was in my favor bigtime, but he got close to that pee.
Guess I'll never know now!