Brian, that is some beautiful country. You are just across the river from where I am. I'm not real far from the Stockport Creek railroad tressel.
Izzy, your bad shooting is better than my good shooting.
Charlie, I've been in scouting for over 20 years and have been everything from a merit badge counselor (still am) to troop committee chair.
PhilNY, that is a very generous offer and you certainly are in some very good looking deer country.
I'll be meat hunting on Saturday so if it's brown it's down. Unless it's a 1 1/2 year old buck. I just can't shoot them. Actually passed on a @100" 8 pt last year from the tree I'll be in on Saturday. I'm hoping he made through and added 30" of bone. All out of deer steaks. Got a little ground venison left, but the roasts and steaks are gone and I put 5 in the freezer last year. Beef tastes funny! Some good butterfly backstrap wrapped in bacon and cooked on the grill with some mushrooms on top. Ummm, ummmm!