You don't need a permit to carry a handgun openly. It's a Freedom Guaranteed By The Constitution of the United States.........The Right To Bear Arms...period.
Get a side arm at least .40 cal or larger, get a nice holster for it, and carry it!
If I were hunting in wolf country, I would not leave home without it. Even though most states regs say you cannot carry a bow and a firearm at the same time, there's still a matter of protecting yourself, and the point much is that regulation going to mean to you if your ripped to shreds? I'll take my chances carrying a sidearm and then fight it in court if they want to push the issue with a fine or otherwise.
And just for the record....I'm a Legal Beagle, but I won't take chances with my life if there's a way to even the odds.
I carry my 10mm from time to time around here, not because of wolves (cause we don't have any) or even coyotes, but stray dogs that are now wild. People dump them out and they revert back to their wild instincts, then have pups that are wild, and you know where I'm going with this.
I've seen them, my neighbor has seen them, and I've had a big white one up close and personal to my blind numerous times. I just haven't got a chance to put that one down yet, but he's at the top of my To Do List.
I've also had them stand just far enough away to be out of range, and bark and growl at me while I'm leaving my hunting spot and headed back home. That's an eerie feeling when it's nearly complete dark, no flashlight, and no firearm....only a bow that won't do you any good if you can't see.
BTW Precurve- I'm glad your boy is ok, and very happy that he didn't let it deter him from doing what he loves to do, and also the decision to go afield this time a little more protected. That experience would have made most guys quit the sport for good.