Their success says that many do believe their products to be worthy of such expense.
There may be some name recognition, and with the cost some non informed folks may purchase such a high end item and blab to others about how great it is, being pretty much clueless about it (simple snobbery).
And with longevity, brand recognition, you'll see more of their stuff used (again often by folks who were uninformed).
Critics of BW bows often point such things out.
And more than once such criticism, from my experience, was basef on simple jealousy.
Blackwidow bows are nice. Are they the best? Too subjective to be called that, people come in all shapes/sizes/preferences.
A well tuned Widow is a nice machine, but even then, it might not be right for some folks.
I happen to favor them, and think they to be worth the cost. Even on my crappy budget.
Oh sure, I'd love for them to cost less new, but the market says they are priced where they need to be. Having had 3 built over the last 20 yrs, it's really quite simple:
If ya want one, ya gotta pay for one.
Just the way it is.
I've shot other bows, some pretty nice ones, but for me, my favorite is a BW (SA2 actually).
IMHO try one out first (they have such a program). If ya like it, get one. Time on this rock is short, enjoy it, get what you want, don't settle.