Well I shot a decent 8pt last night. Not the best buck I have ever shot by a long shot. But it still feels good to have taken this buck with a bow I made.
Little but of a story behind this deer. I have been hunting with longbows and recurves for many years. Last hunting season, I saw a real nice 140 class 8pt. I saw that deer about 6 times while hunting. One time I had it at 20 yards broadside in an open field but didn't have my bow with me as I was putting on a one man drive for my son as I was trying to help him get his first archery kill. Each time I saw this buck after that, it was 30 to 40 yards away. Just too far to take a shot. That buck was haunting me! I saw it after season and got a few pics of it. I decided I was going to buy a compound and set my sights on taking that deer this year.
I bought a compound and and put the longbow away for the year. Where I hunt you must harvest a doe before you can take a buck. I shot my doe about a week ago and was ready to hunt for my buck.
While shooting the compound last Sunday, I just couldn't get the grouping with the broadheads I was hoping for.After much trial and error, I realized the draw stop screw had come loose. Fixed that, then a few shots later, the quiver bolts came loose and the quiver flopped over. After some more shooting, I just couldn't get it shooting how I felt it should! I then realized the bolt on my rest has somehow loosened and the rest had slid down. I had enough.
I went into the basement and pulled the longbow back out and shot for awhile. Although I wasn't driving tacks right off the bat, the FUN of watching the arrow fly was back!
I shot in the yard yesterday morning and by the end of an hour or so, it felt like I had never put the longbow down. I went out to a stand that I had hung and got set-up.
About an hour and a half later I saw this buck coming towards me. The story of the harvest was fairly uneventful as I took the deer at about 18 yards. But the feeling of being back in the woods with the longbow, and taking a deer with something I had made, I think feels better than taking the 140 buck would with the compound!
So now I can set my sights back on the 140, but with my longbow! Steve