It is easy to say "Hunt with the wind in your face" in areas where the wind blows steady in one direction, but where I hunt the wind swirls and can change on you in an instant, causing a busted hunt.
This is why i have always been a believer of the Scent-a-way, scent safe system. I wash my clothes in the detergent, hang them out to dry, put them in my scent travel bag with some fresh earth scent wafers, I dress in the field (even if its freezing cold lol) and then spray down with some scent away spray. This may seem like overkill but I know it allows me to get closer to deer, and it is relatively inexpensive (maybe around 50 bucks to get the basic stuff)
By the way I own one of the tech 4 base layer quarter zip shirts, I love it. Its warm and comfortable. Great shirt.