I actually thought about this a few days ago while out running the weedeater around my pond. My sons(8&11) were fishing with the dream in mind to catch enough fish on their own for a family fish fry. Last evening after the last piece of fresh fish was enjoyed...a dream had been relaized.
I re-read your first post and it boils down to a dream. The means to get there can be discussed and cussed, whatever the mood or opinion, but a dream nonetheless is yearning to live.
Bruce Wilkinson penned a book called the "Dream Giver" a few yearss ago and I would suggest it as a must read for all. One to re-kindle your own dreams that may be on the shelf, while sharpening your senses to encourage others to chase their own dreams.
I encourage you to stick to your original plan and try to kill enough deer with your trad equipment only to sustain your family. No more no less. Chase the dream. If it doesn't happen at worse you try again next year and eat a few store bought groceries in the meantime. A fail safe in our modern world.
Chase our dream full bore...quietly though for a close shot.
Good hunting,