I know i said i was done last night but I cant help it. Mystiguido and lpcjon2, if either of you shot a nice buck that died in the corn pile would you take a pic of said buck in the corn pile or drag him out a bit to more natural surroundings? I know, I know, we're all baiting. Corn piles are no different than ag fields or oak ridges. Pope and young, Boone and Crockets, SCI, any number of wildlif biologiust's stances on the subject dont matter but your's do, unless we run em down and break their necks we're not fair chase either, 200 kernels of corn to the square foot per acre is baiting, imported crops all the way back to the Mayflower are most definitely BAIT!!!! etc. etc.
These baiting threads would never get so long winded, atleast in my opinion, if you pro bait guys would stop saying baiting is no different than anyone elses chosen method. Its your right where legal and none of my buisness. But when you say that we're all baiting, and its all the same, etc. etc. it is my buisness and is real, real annoying!!
As for work ethics and how they pertain to hunting practices, I cant see any relevance at all. My neighbor whos a pretty good friend of mine works twice as hard, atleast physically, as me. He works 2 jobs and is never home. He bowhunts with a crossbow.