I don't understand how people can be so confused about what is or ain't baiting. There's two ways to stand hunt, if you choose to think of it that way
A: You set up where you want to and use some artificial means to attract deer to your spot.
B: You spend some time in the woods, and figure out where the deer want to be, you go there (or anywhere between where they are and where they want to be) and set up.
You do not have to try to attract a deer by any means to have success, but I find that many people who primarily hunt over bait do not grasp that attracting deer to your stand is not strictly necessary. Maybe they assume that people who don't bait use some other means of attracting deer to them. If so, then I understand the "everything you do is baiting" argument. Otherwise it makes no sense.
I don't hunt over bait because it just doesn't sound like fun. I'm sure if I decided to take up baiting, there would be plenty of people in my state who could do it much better than me. Wealthier people, for example, do a heck of a job of it. I personally know a good many people who would not begin to know how to hunt without some strategy for attracting deer to them. Different strokes I suppose.