I have made trips there for about 5 years, sometimes twice a year. On our first trip there we killed 9 deer (5 hunters), it has gone down ever since. They experienced a kill off , black tongue, about 4 years ago. We talked to the rangers and wardens about it. One ranger said they found over 20 dead deer along one creek. I still like to hunt there, but finding deer is not as easy now as it was. The last 3 years we have killed one buck.
There is a fair amount of hunting pressure in the early season, pressure picks up a lot near the rut.
The part we hunt, south of Jackson is very hilly and steep. It is near impossible for an old guy like me to drag one up out of the bottoms should I kill one.
The biggest issue now is the 4 wheelers running everywhere. They have ruined a few spots for me. It is not legal to run them there, but guys do it anyway. I had some guys from N.Carolina tell me they did not care what the law said, they pay taxes and they will ride anywhere they want.
Wayne use to be a super location for me, now it is just an fair place to go. Maybe in a few more years the deer population will be back and the rangers will stop the 4 wheelers. But until that time, there are probably better places to go.