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Author Topic: For those looking for a good short brim hat...check out the one Big Jim carries  (Read 2776 times)

Offline Chris Surtees

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While hunting pigs a couple weeks ago I noticed Paul Kimbol (Dragonrider) use wearing a nice looking short brimmed hat. After talking about it for awhile found out he bought from Big Jim.

The day after I returned an order was placed for green and brown camo hats. Matter of fact Paul asked me to pick him up a couple spares as well.

The one thing I really like about them is the brim has a wire in it which allows it to be put into shape as not to interfere with the bow string.


Offline Andrew Downs

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Wire in the brim huh? One of those simple but great ideas.

Offline Bowwild

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Excellent find!  I'll be checkig this out too.

Offline Chris Surtees

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Forgot to mention they are not on his website yet so you will have to call him.


Offline Al Kidner

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OK.... me like!

Now... who and where is this Big Jim fella and does he make 'emin plain colours?

"No citizen has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever Seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." Socrates.

Offline xtrema312

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They are nice.  I got one at Compton this year.  Big Jim is a sponsor so you can find him in the sponsor list.
1 Timothy 4:4(NKJV)
For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving.

Firefly Long Bow  James 4:14
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Offline KentuckyTJ

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Yep love mine. Got it this past spring at our Kentucky Klassic.

The fulfillment of your hunt is determined by the amount of effort you put into it  >>>---->

Offline OldSkoolArcher

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Are they adjustable sizewise?

Offline wbyrd

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Are these not on Big Jim's website? I wasn't able to find them. They definitely look like a nice hat though!

Offline centaur

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Looks like Big Jim has found another way to get into my billfold.
If you don't like cops, next time you need help, call Al Sharpton

Offline Buckwheaties

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Yes size is velcro adjustable.
"Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do."

Offline hardwaymike

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How much are they and what color/patterns do they come in?
"A road is a dagger placed in the heart of a wilderness." -William O. Douglas

Believe it or not the "HARDWAY" is often the EASIER way(in hindsight)!
Bear Cub #48@28"

Offline Chris Surtees

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When I called the two pictured above where the only colors they had. Not sure if they are able to get more.

Hopefully Jim will see this and post more info on them.


Offline Arrowslinger

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Got a brown camo one at the TBG State Shoot this year.  Love mine.
Keep It Simple

Jeff Kitchens

Offline hickry

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The last thing I need is another hat, but those just look too good.  Called at lunch and got one of each.  Big Jim's wife said that the secretary takes care of putting all of that stuff on the website and she's out for a few days.  But they do have them if you call...

Offline BigJim

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We do have 4 colors. the two pictured plus solid green, and pink.

they are also available with an embroidered Big Jims Bow Company logo.
they should be on the site soon.

I just try to live my life in a way that would have made my father proud.

Offline JL

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Good stuff! I picked one up at denton hill last year. The wire brim idea holds it shape. I have always liked the "jones style" caps. These caps rank right up there with them in my book.

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Offline bornagainbowhunter

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I just bought 2 of them, a green camo and brown camo.  I have been looking for one of these for a while.  I will probably pull the wire out of them, but the hats looks sweet.

I just orderd them and she said they would ship tomorrow.  I should have them in a few days.  The problem is, she told me they adjust from a mans head size to a child.  She said that a 2 year old wears one.  That means as soon as I get mine to the house, my two boys will take them over and I won't get to wear them until I order more.  "[dntthnk]"  

God Bless,
But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. Psalms 3:3

Offline broketooth

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i tried wearin a booney hat like that with the brim pushed up . my wife told me i looked like egon from f-troop,lol i quit wearin it. ruddy
" you have done well to keep your hair when so many are after it"

Offline centaur

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Big Jim,
How much are they?
If you don't like cops, next time you need help, call Al Sharpton

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