Well, i just got back from ohio, and let me just say i was not ready to come home! What a great time we had. Heres the story,
For 3 Days, all day Lynn, (my guide) and i stalked through corn, drove deer, spotted and stalked with several oppertunities. One oppoertunity a beautiful 8 stopped, i picked out a spot and let 'er rip, my arrow arched marvelously, right under its belly..so close!! in the heat of the moment i didnt even think about the yardarge, come to find out it was pushing 35 yards!! :eek: i would never shoot 35 yards!!! I guess i just got caught up in the moment.
We tried yet another drive, only thiis time i got u-p in one of Lynns stand on a logging road. Well they drove the deer out of massive cornfeilds and i finally heard those beautiful words, "Here comes a shooter!" Well here he came, my heart was pounding and my mind was racing. i had to focus. the deer came in and turned down the trail that put him 5 yards from the base of the tree...show time! I picked a spot and let my Muzzy Phantom EAT!!! a couple hundred yards later laid my beautiful whitetail!
I was using my #45 Bear Stag Hunter, Easton maxums tipped with Muzzy Phantoms. I got very little penetration, this is totally my fault due to the shot angle, at any rate im lookin for a little bigger stick!!! Its such a problem to get to look for and buy a new bow!!
He had 13 scorable points and guessed to go in the 130's
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