I think your most powerful point is that you are an avid customer -- you have 6 Cuddebacks and only one is causing a problem. Let them know you've told lots of friends and acquaintences, including those on popular archery forums(without naming the forums) about your satisfaction with Cuddeback cameras, to date. You're hoping for a satisfactory resolution of this issue so you can continue to be a vocal fan of Cuddeback.
You've probably already told someone everything I've written above.
I've watched people on my plane deal with gate attendants when a flight schedule goes bad. I've seen rude people get little or no satisfaction. Then, when the rude person walks away I try to be understanding, empathetic, and refer to the "old days" how well the airlines (Delta in my case) handled such issue. I generally get much better results. Again, I'm convinced from your post and your reaction to Terry Green's request that you have treated all you've talked to about this problem very politely.
I don't agree with the get aggressive suggestion. While it may work, it may also backfire. I retired from a job where I had to deal with dissatisfied customers from time to time. I had lots of leeway as the agency director about how to handle the complaintant. The unruly threatening folks got the minimum. Those who treated me fairly usually got what I considered "Legendary Customer Service".