I don't associate the type of bow (wheel vs stick) with success and never will. When hunting with a bow, any bow, it all boils down to the hunter. I feel that hunting with a stickbow is a huge advantage on many different levels.
True story.
Couple years back, I showed up to hunting camp with my curve ready to get it on when I found out that particular weekend was the MD early muzzleloader season. Two other guys were hunting the property that weekend and were perplexed when I showed up with my bow. One fella had a back up rifle and offered it for my use but I declined. Guess who drug a deer out of the woods that weekend? Yep, me. While back in camp, the other two guys were intrigued by my Border TD and asked "how do you shoot that thing without sights???" So, I proceeded to produce 4" groups on the backstop. I remember one guy remarked, "No doubt you can kill deer with that bow, nice shooting...". While I didn't get a monster buck that weekend, that 100 lbs deer helped keep my kids in deer burgers and to me, that's what it's all about.
Sometimes the best laid plans can go to pot over a small over looked detail. It happens to all of us at times. If I shoot over a deer or drill a tree, ect, I just look at it as the deer won out that particular day but there will be more days to come when I'm restocking the freezer.
I will tell you this, if you draw back and question that you will miss the mark, more then likely, you will miss as you have already talked yourself out of the shot.
Stay focused.