What a day this has been, I went out to check traps about 4:30 this morning when I saw this buck two times messing with a doe. He was about a half mile from my house I have a stand near there it is on my neighbors land. I had thought about going to that stand, when I went there yesterday a friend of mine was in it, it's my stand but I told him to stay I will go elsewhere. This morning I knew he wouldn't be there he was worried yesterday that I was mad but I wasn't. Well I got in the stand before daylight and settled in. It was good and light because I had been there awhile, when I hear that unmistakable sound of a buck chasing a doe. I let her go by at about 20 paces, he was on his way grunting all the way. He was moving pretty fast and she had never stopped so when he was a bout 20 feet from were I wanted to shoot I grunted with my mouth as loud as I could. It was like a dream he stopped right were I wanted him to. I came to full draw picked my spot I swear I hit the hair i was looking at. When the arrow hit I heard him loose all his air, he ran uphill about 60 yards and crashed. What a feeling that was I'm glad I shoot every day during season just to keep sharp. I was using my Titan 62" 46 @28" GT3555 with 195 up front Zwickey four blade eskalite. He weighs 172 pounds dressed 8 points a couple small kickers 16" spread my best bow kill ever and it's Trad.