Unreal Morning! I was settled in at 6:36. Sprayed the tree next to me with Code Blue sprayed into the wind. Took out The Can. Bleated 3 times. Had two small bucks come in in 10 minutes in the dark. Took the bow off the hook and got ready. Smaller Buck must have caught motion he snorted and the 2 took off.Waited a few took out my little Primos grunter. Hit that a couple times. Heard a small buck coming at me and he stopped 25/30 yards out. Heard something behind me it was the six point. Stopped broadside. He looked like he was getting ready to run the smaller Buck off. Now this wasn't the Big Guy I was after but I was due to Wack something. Picked up the Black Mohawk [The Freak] could see the front leg drew back,anchored and picked a spot. Dropped the string. Saw my 35/55 Gold Tip with 4-4" Chartruese Feathers hit behind the leg. Buck never knew what hit him he spun and ran off. George was about 80 yards away and he heard him pile up. I texted George and Steve[chicken chaser] said I'd stay in until 9:30/10:00 no sense ruining their mornings. Hec it was 42 degrees. Around 7:30 2 Button Bucks come in stayed under my stand for a good hour. They left and I Texted George they were coming his way. He called me at 9:00 and said he hit one. He had his doubts. Said it went 40 yards and bedded down. Head was bobbing. He saw it get up again walk and stumble.Said he thinks he sees white belly. Give it to 10:00 We came down. My Buck ran 40/50 yards center punched the heart. George had a pass threw both lungs and some liver. The Muzzys did damage! It was a great morning and believe me the both of us needed it!