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Author Topic: Had a revelation today  (Read 1138 times)

Offline Buckeye Trad Hunter

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Had a revelation today
« on: November 07, 2010, 07:53:00 PM »
I've had a rough last couple of years as far as hunting goes.  Trespassers last year and an unbelievable acorn crop this year with not many oak trees on the property I hunt but an overabundance on the neighboring property.  

So with the last two years being pretty much a bust I have somwhow gotten caught up in the "modern hunter mentality"(you know, it's all about how many and how big type thinking), actually being angry with the way things have gone.  I even thought about just saying the heck with it and giving up hunting alltogether.

This morning I sat under one of the few oaks for the entire frigid 22 degree morning and had only seen the one small buck that was bedding on the other side of the hill.  At this point the "modern hunter mentality" began to set in again so I decided to just set it out and if nothing happened to just throw it in for the year.

I sat for another two hours when i came to a realization.  I noticed for the first time in a while just how fortunate I was and how beautiful the woods were.  I had realized that I always say it's about the hunt and not the kill but I had not been practicing what I preach for some time.  I actually began to feel at peace and at one with the woods for the first time in quite a while.

Now I'm not a spiritual person by any means, but wouldn't you know it was almost like a sign from the heavens.  Out of the hollow walks about a 140 class buck right past just out of bow range.  I watched for a bit and noticed that he was limping on his rear left leg.  About 5 minutes later I found out why.  The buck that had just kicked his but came out behind him and ran him out of the field.

It's odd how some things work.  I lost the meaning trad hunting and I almost feel as if I was disrespectful for forgetting what it's all about.  I forgot it was a way of life and not about what I chose to hunt with.  I feel like I need to apologize to all of those who came before me for the way I've felt and acted, but have no fear I have realized the error of my ways.  Please forgive me.

Offline Cottonwood

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 07:58:00 PM »
Buckeye Trad Hunter, I have felt what you felt before and think a lot of guy's go through it as well.  Many times, I have just sat there after just soaking it all in, and looked at my recurve thinking how blessed I was to be there.

I hunt this way, because its my way no matter how long it takes me to fill that tag, or if I don't.  I had totally been blessed with what God created for me to see at that very moment, or in the future when I arrive again in those very woods.
Member: Montana Bowhunters Association, Traditional Bowhunters of Montana

"I don't bowhunt for a living... but I live to bowhunt the traditional way!"

Offline Bonebuster

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2010, 08:04:00 PM »
I hear you brother!

The best motivator is YOU. The best hunting is when you are there for all the right reasons.

Success is easiest when the enjoyment is the highest.

We head out with the knowledge that we are most likely NOT going to kill anything. We prepare all year for the chance to do just that.

I truely believe the two bucks you saw were/are indeed a sign. Run with it.  :thumbsup:

Offline 2wfstlhunting

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2010, 08:19:00 PM »
It has taken me a full 20 years to evolve to the point that I am again realizing what I DON'T know about the woods and to enjoy at every turn the real wonders of nature. I recognize how awfully tryte that sounds, but you do lose the trees for the forest (turn re-turn an old phrase). Just this year I found myself in a grove of trees that I have hunted for 10 years and found them marked by the logger with bands of blue paint.  It might not come to that, but I don't have a lot of hope. It is a farm that I have been lucky enought to hunt on but is up for sale.  I am still upset about "my trees", and it has been a month.  I have spent many an hour and day waiting for deer in that grove and seen hawks, fox, woodchucks,raccoons,turkeys and lived a lifetime just in those days.  It is being amongst them and not killing that one more deer that makes it worthwhile.  
 Yesterday I came home after a morning hunt and told about the fox, the grunting buck that I never saw, and the 2 bucks that came by me that I did not shoot at. I was asked why I didn't shoot one and it was difficult to come up with an answer that made sense to a nonhunter.  I just left it at: I didn't feel like it..
Leon Stewart Reflex/Deflex Mahogany and bamboo 62" 53#@27.5"
Leon Stewart Reflex/Deflex curly maple, birdseye maple and Osage riser 53#@ 28"
Blacktail 62" longbow takedown 53#/57# B & W ebony
Harvey Crowned Eagle longbow  62"  49#
Wes Wallace Royal longbow 62" 57#

Offline maineac

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2010, 09:20:00 PM »
Glad it came to you at a time you could appreciate it, and revel in seeing two great bucks, without getting a shot.  Hopefully you can pass those feelings to your little bud in your avatar.
The season gave him perfect mornings, hunter's moons and fields of freedom found only by walking them with a predator's stride.
                                                              Robert Holthouser

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2010, 09:23:00 PM »
Reflection, meditation and prayer may reveal much to all who partake.
>>----> Friend <----<<

My Lands… Are Where My Dead Lie Buried.......Crazy Horse

Offline fishmerf

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2010, 09:32:00 PM »
I often get caught up in the idea that it has to be a big buck or I'm not shooting. I think that mentality may eventually ruin hunting as I have known and loved it. I have to, at times, remind myself that I am hunting for the love of the outdoors, the beauty of nature, the challenge that I have chosen to place upon myself. I do not hunt to please or impress anyone else.

It is hard not to get caught in that "modern hunter mentality" when we are surrounded by it on the computers, magazines and television. I love the challenge of hunting big deer, but I also love the challenge of hunting any deer with my longbow.

Thanks for the reminder!


Offline Kip l Hoffman

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2010, 09:32:00 PM »
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."  Old Chinese Saying.

Offline Huntschool

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2010, 10:04:00 PM »
No apology needed.  I dare say we have all been there.  

As a child I spent hours with my father in the woods. Yes we were hunting, a lot of bird hunting, grouse and woodcock and a good bit of deer hunting.  Every day with him was an experience even though we did not shoot anything.  

Open your mind to the experience as you have... it will feed your soul.
Bruce A. Hering
Program Coordinator (retired)
Southeastern Illinois College
NSCA Level III Instructor
Black Widow Bows
AMM 761

Offline hitman

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2010, 10:27:00 PM »
As I get older it's easy to think sometimes that it would be so easy to lay in 1 morning when its freezing cold outside. But then I think to myself that I don't have as many chances to be out in God's beautiful creation doing something I cherish and boy does that bring me around to reality.  :D
Black Widow PSAX RH 58" 47#@28
Samick Sage 62" 40#@28"
PSA Kingfisher RH 45#@28
Treadway longbow RH 60" 46#at 28"
W.Va. Bowhunters Association life member
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Mississippi Traditional Bowhunters life member

Offline crotch horn

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2010, 01:32:00 AM »
Life is hard sometimes. I miss hunting with my dad so much and constantly tell myself how if we could hunt just one more day together. I would happily climb in a ground blind with him & not even open a shooting window. He is gone now & wishes won't bring him back. I find myself thinking of him while out there. Funny thing is I take more time off from hunting to spend with my wife. I still hunt plenty but she cones first now. I am ashamed to say that but it happens to many I think. She is my life and hunting is a passion. Keep the faith and enjoy.

Offline Earl E. Nov...mber

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2010, 06:10:00 AM »
Nothing wrong with being spiritual.. Enjoy the journey
Many have died for my freedom.
One has died for my soul.

Offline lpcjon2

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2010, 06:32:00 AM »
It ain't easy by no means, and like you this is the path I choose to walk and even after many hunts without a harvest. I still have the harvest of peace of mind that allows me to take on the challenges life offers on a day to day basis.Without that peaceful time in the woods I would be probably be in a padded room in some institution.Welcome back from that out of body I should give up experience.   :thumbsup:
Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a
difference in the world, but the Marines don’t have that problem.
—President Ronald Reagan

Offline Cherokee Scout

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2010, 07:37:00 AM »
Far too many judge their hunt on only the kill.
Being in the woods, enjoying the day makes it a success. Someday we will all be too old or too sick to do that, enjoy it while you can.

Offline Chief55

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2010, 08:27:00 PM »
Originally posted by Cherokee Scout:
Far too many judge their hunt on only the kill.
Being in the woods, enjoying the day makes it a success. Someday we will all be too old or too sick to do that, enjoy it while you can.
Yes, it really gets rammed home to you when you think you won't be able to go out any more due to physical ailments. Been there.

I get a kick out of seeing the tracks and the signs left behind by the animals as well as seeing any kind of wildlife. It is all good.

Offline 2wfstlhunting

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2010, 09:11:00 PM »
On those cold mornings when staying under the toasty down quilt is just too much to give  up, I  remind myself that there just aren't enough days afield to see, smell, feel and learn everything that is right there for you "if you just your butt out there".   I am not afraid to say that I might miss seeing something that I might just not forget for the rest of my life. Usually it works.
Leon Stewart Reflex/Deflex Mahogany and bamboo 62" 53#@27.5"
Leon Stewart Reflex/Deflex curly maple, birdseye maple and Osage riser 53#@ 28"
Blacktail 62" longbow takedown 53#/57# B & W ebony
Harvey Crowned Eagle longbow  62"  49#
Wes Wallace Royal longbow 62" 57#

Offline bad arrow

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2010, 10:19:00 PM »
My hunt this evening was a success even though I was winded by several deer, twice missed a fox squirrel and realized I was too far away from the turkeys that were roosting. It was most certainly, two hours spent in Nirvana! Phil


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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2010, 11:18:00 PM »
I've been hunting pretty dang hard since the season started, especially since Oct. 15th and I have yet to get a shot opp at a deer with my Grizzly. Deer sightings have been low, sometimes better, but on the average a whole lot less than I'm used to seeing. This weekend was even worse with not a single buck sighting and very few doe sightings, but the grey squirrels were as thick as fleas everywhere! One squirrel in particular insisted that the tree my stand is strapped to belongs to him and he was constantly climbing in there with me......then back off and bark non-stop at me. I couldn't concentrate on bowhunting and finally focused my efforts on ridding myself of that nuisance squirrel. Well, 3 shots and a game of hide, bark, seek, and fling later....he's now in my brother's freezer.
The point is that.......it was starting to feel more like a job than it was something fun and trying to nail that squirrel was fun and I forgot that I was even bowhunting for deer.
It's supposed to be fun, if it's not fun anymore then there's something wrong.
~Varitas Vos Liberabit~ John 8:32

Offline Adrian Farmer

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Re: Had a revelation today
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2010, 01:53:00 AM »
Gordon, I appreciate your conflict of emotions, and salute your ability to deal with them.  I have not hunted white-tails for a long time, but have pursued elk for more than 30 years.  There are many days in that pursuit that I have felt totally inadequate, and have begun to believe that it was stupid to think that I could kill such an invincible animal with sticks and string. Such days eventually pass, however, when magic finally happens and things come together as a result of persistence and a bit of luck. On these lucky days I have reflected on the hard days. I try to convince myself that I should have enjoyed the hard days as much as the easy ones; I should have enjoyed the pursuit, the fact that I was healthy and able to wander the mountains, and the experiences that occured during days of traditional hunting. I am not perfect at this, but I get better every year that comes.  Traditional archery huntihg is a lifetime adventure.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."--A. Einstein

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