How many times have I heard and read that????
Friday nite I was covered up in deer. Saw 3 shooter bucks in the distant wetlands (jungle), finally the biggest came in to 30 yds east of me,off my left side,I videoed him with a new flipvid thingy my wife gave me for early birthday.I'll post vid when I learn how....
He was a really super 8 for MO Clean,wide,thick pretty tall. My guess(not that it matters) was 145-150 P&Y .
Then he took a run at a little buck to the north, then with 20 min of lite left,he sauntered along beside me to my left still. He passed at 20 yds.
Here lies the trouble, I had a halfdozen does eating acorns 4-15 yds south or in front of my stand. They had been giving me the eye for 15 min. trying to catch me moving. A BIG lump like that just don't look right there....
So I let the buck walk right thru that lane at 20 yds(is 10 feet wide a lane?)hoping he would smell around the does and distract them,plus I'd have all the deer where I could see them.
He lacked about 12-15", thats right ,inches, clearing the last tree at 10 yds. Then he turned strait away and walked right outta my life!
Moral of the story- I shoulda had my bow turned to the side and extended, then damn the does, full speed ahead!
Oh yeah, after the deer all mosied off, I shot a leaf in near dark at the 20 yd trail.........