We got back from Shrewhaven last night. There were 8 men in camp this year, and four of us made the long 9 hour drive to and from camp in my truck. The truck and the 13' trailer was loaded with our gear when we left and on the way home we added 3 of the 6 deer that were taken in the 9 days that we were there.
I can't believe that it's over already.. :( It was a great time with some great guys. The weather was perfect, cool days and cold nights, perfect for hanging deer.
Imagine if you can, getting up in the morning an hour and a half before daylight, everyone in an upbeat mood getting their gear in order, grabbing a cup or two of coffee...or as Tom calls it... "poison". Then as each man heads out the door to his stand he gets a "Good luck" from those still in the cabin. Then several hours after light as each man returns he tells the story of his mornings adventure.
Sometimes there's a blood trail to follow up but we usually wait until everyone is back in camp to retell the stories and decide you goes to recover the deer and who stays. The same is repeated for the afternoon hunt.
Every evening we have a great dinner. Some have said we eat like Kings and I can't imagine, even a King eating any better then we do. Some of the food on the menu this year was Prime Rib with all the fixins, Pork ribs as only Kevin "Ribman" can make them. A 13# leg of lamb, Fried chicken made by Chef Nicalou from his family recipe, Our traditional Fried squirrel dinner with mashed taters and squirrel gravy. Deep fried panfish, a huge brisket, seasoned and smoked. Then Doug and Randy our Yooper friends usually come out with a bunch of pasties, a traditional Yooper delicacy. It's made with meat, potatoes, carrots, onions and rootabeggies (SP) in a pie crust like shell. Doug and his wife make them for us in their own super sized version.... :eek:
Here's a few pictures from camp this year. More to come as they come in to me from the other guys.
Shrewhaven cabin on the right and the new building on the left.
The Shrew Crew with the 6 deer taken this year. There were some nice bucks seen during our stay, several 8 pts, a 9 point and a big 12 pointer but only one buck with the required 3pt's on one side ended up on the "pole" this year.
*note* our old pole finely rotted out so we hung the deer from the deck of the new building.
Also you can see that three of us are wearing the new "Treker" sleeveless and hooded pullovers. This handy garment may soon become "Official" Shrewhaven gear.