I am sorry for another spine question.
When ill do my 100th Spine question ill give away a bow on here, i promise
Heres the problem:
I made a bareshaft testafter fixing my form issues lately and because i noticed strange arrow flight lately.
My current arrows showed a bit weak so is started cutting them down 1/4 inch at a time till they showed perfect flight (literally like darts) and grouped with the fletched ones.
Then i refletched one of the bareshafts and put a blade BH on it and this showed a bit stiff.
In the end i had the perfect arrow for field points and broadheads but according to what other people here shoot on similar bows and also according to Stu Millers calc they seem very stiff.
Before ill cut down all arrows i would like to know youre opinion.
Here are all data of the setup with the best results:
Bow: 56# @29,5, fast flight 16strand, 1/16 out of center, 4 wool silencers
CX Her. 350, 30,5"; 125grain point; 14grain insert + 100grain internal footing 1"long, 1,5" external footing 18 grain;
Thanks so much to all who endure and answer my seemingly neverending spineissues!!!!!