Well, I had this Mahantango 70" yew long bow made custom for me just before Christmas '08. My first 5 shots from the bow at the bowyer's (Jim Martin)place were a tight group center target. Since then I took the bow to Hawaii and tagged a small goat. Around home I have been stacking squirrels with it. I also took a big doe last winter. same winter I took a Grey Fox while on a hike with my little girl. This year I have taken two deer with it so far. (hope for more). I'm stuck at home a lot with the little one and can't get to the deer woods as much as I like. So, I've been shooting pumpkins out back a bit to stay in practice. Well, the squirrels been in the pumpkins and this guy was on top trying to get in one. Took a 25 yard shot and flipped him right off that thing. Man I love this bow and it has been taking more game in the last couple years then I have with any of my other bows.
Just a few of the pics.
Just had to share my good feeling with y'all about this bow and how it has changed my archery life.