Coyotes are a new predator in many areas of the country. By "new" I mean just the past few decades. Very few coyotes caught in traps in my area until the mid-eighties. Red and Grey fox were common. Now coyotes rule, and fox are few.
Suburban Detroit has coyotes. Sightings are now very common...BIG ones too. I know of several that were caught in snares within a few miles of my house that topped fifty pounds.(I live in the N.E. lower) I have killed three, approaching fifty pounds myself, over the span of ten years.
Anywhere I hunt, and or scout, at ALL times of the year, coyote scat contains deer hair ALL of the time. In SOME areas the coyote may not be a major predator of deer...but in SOME areas a hunter is kidding himself if he thinks they are not. In all areas, I think it is safe to say, fawns are a major food source in spring.
I have seen coyotes interact with deer, and the deer are ALWAYS on alert. The deer ALWAYS leave the immediate area. I have seen with my own eyes a coyote chasing a full grown, healthy deer...twice. I have had state biologists tell me coyotes DO NOT chase healthy deer.