This morning started fast and ended as one of the greatest days of my bowhunting experiences. I was Blessed this morning with my first traditional Buck. Although the hunt was great, the greater part of the season has been hunting with my TallTines Longbow built by Brian Wessel. I have thouroghly enjoyed the hunting highs and lows (some misses came before success) this year. I have one other traditional harvest of a Doe some years back. This too was a long bow. One of Brian's original Longbows. Now to the best part! Not only is the Bowyer a stand-up guy, he's my hunting buddy, my best friend and my Son. Gene Wenzel told me a while back that I needed to change my name or change my bow. Name is the same, Bow is a TallTines. Wish I could add some photos, but I'm rather technically challenged. The deer was a nice 10 with a slight bit of ground shrinkage. Solid heart shot and the deer ran about 30 yards before falling over. Best part of the hunt, Brian field dressed it for me. How's that for service after the sale. Thanks Brian for a great Bow and a Great day. Now back to the timber to fill another tag. What a day!!!