I am proud to report I got my first traditional deer this morning. She weighed 95 pounds field dressed, and she was taken with the Morrison
Shawnee I bought from Crash here on the classifieds a few weeks ago.
I am a frim believer in the old saying,"it's better to be lucky than good" I was up in my stand at 6:06am. As I reported in my "keeping my fletching dry" post yesterday, I went hunting yesterday, and turned around and went home when I got drenched 1/2 way to my stand. Well, today was a better morning. It was a nice 39 degrees, with a slight North wind. My spot had received over 2 inches of rain, and everything was a muddy mess in the bottom I was hunting. It is usually a quiet spot, but they just started drilling a well across the road, (guessing 700 yards away) and that process sure is noisy!!!
A couple minutes after 8:00am, I looked to the East, and here she came down the hill towards me. I was able to stand up, and when she went behind a tree, she stopped, allowing me to pick up my bow. After 45 seconds, she headed to the North and then turned back back to the East quartering away from me. I shot, and watched my arrow nail her in the neck!! The shot was not far off from where I aimed, but gosh if I know how I got her in the spine. she dropped in her tracks. This is the view of where she was when I was still in the tree
Luckily, she expired quickly, because a tree was blocking a good follow-up shot from the stand. I am just tickled to death. I have killed "double digit" deer in my life, but sure tried hard to get one with a longbow. Talked to my cousin whose dad own's the land I was hunting on, and he said that is one of the best things about traditional hunting, you can always say it was a perfect shot and the "deer just jumped the string"
Here is a close-up of my damaged shaft and the spot in the neck where my Magnus Stinger hit her. Just had to share my awesome experience with the gang!!