Rob, Oh how I wish I had a picture of me with my Doe to share!! It is now 48 hours later, and I am still sore from dragging her out of the bottoms. My oldest son had to work, and my youngest son it a freshman basketball player at a local High School. He has to practice every morning at 7:15am, so he decided to get caught up on some much needed sleep. I was on my own, and therefore had no one to take a picture. I had to drag her across a little creek and was muddy from toe to waist. A little bloody too!!. It wouldn't surprise me if my camera could have been set up to take a picture on a delayed basis, but I was too exhausted to mess with that. I will just have to settle for the animal shots!! This is the first deer I have killed without help dragging and getting her into the truck, and having someone hold the legs while I gut her. Still a Blast and the memory will last forever!!!